About us
About us page at www.HealthyEyeVision2020.com
The content at this website provides information, ideas and inspiration for visitors to improve their lot in life. By taking simple steps towards better health, many health related problems are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, no mature aged person really knows what is healthy and what is unhealthy without giving some thought. Many food ingredients, leisure and pleasures may make you feel good for a while but sooner or later the truth comes out and the feeling drop through the floor. Then it is a matter of rebuilding up the sense of wellbeing and sustainable good health.
A poem is true if it hangs together.
Information points to something else.
A poem points to nothing but itself.
-E. M. Forster
This information on this web site is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
Always seek the advice of a medical professional for any medical condition.
The information content presented at this website is a positive message, and it encourages people to do the right thing and to look after themselves at all times. It is also Preventative in nature, it is better to run the race healthy, from the word Ready, Get Set and Go. Why be indecisive sitting on the fence regards to what is healthy. It is the responsibility of each responsible adult person to take the time and study, research and learn what is really in their best health interest for each individual person. Whether it is physical exercise, food and drink, nutrition, quality sleep time and adequate rest between work. Discover more great ideas on how to maintain a healthy eye vision for life, visit Online Eyesight Test.com
The old saying goes:
Prevention is better than cure,