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10 Tips to Stop Smoking for Good

10 Tips to stop smoking for good

10 Tips to stop smoking for good is a real possibility, many people, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of people have resolved the problem of nicotine addiction, and never returned to the old habit of cigarette smoking.  The new life needs faith in good health and dynamic physical activities out there in the wonderful outdoors world of nature.  The concept of filling the mind with information of the real physical world, and not escaping to the realm of the mind with emotional and pleasure feelings, that become an unhealthy habit trap.

10 Tips to stop smoking for good
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With so many tips and suggestions on how to stop smoking it is really easy to see why so many people really do not quit. The vast majority of people are completely confused by the entire process! What of the conflicting messages passed around? The fact is that with so much information passed around that is confusing to people it is often much easier to just continue smoking and hoping for a simple solution. Actually taking the necessary steps to really quit smoking is not easy. It means coming to terms with the fact that stopping smoking really is best for you, as well as your health.

Most people are readily aware that stopping smoking can improve their health, but learning how to really conquer the urges to smoke is not easy. With so many temptations circulating around, as well as the stresses of daily life it is easy to see why jumping into a pack of cigarettes seems like a good idea.

10 Tips to stop smoking for good explained

Tip #1 You need a good reason to quit.

Simply deciding to quit because the sky is blue is not a sufficient reason. The need to quit smoking is obvious, but the desire to quit needs to come from inside in order for the process to be successful.

Tip #2 Look for small rewards that you can give yourself as you make progress.

You are not likely to just quit cold turkey with no complications. Set up small rewards that will help you to want to make progress towards ultimately quitting. This can be a great motivation to keep you on target.

Tip #3 Plan out your quitting strategy. Decide how you want to try to quit and stick to it.

Set a specific amount of time for your plan. If after a time, say six weeks you have not quit, work on a new plan. This will allow ample time to try each method, while still giving yourself flexibility to try something else.

Tip #4 Work to overcome your struggles.

If you are smoking due to stressful things in your life, you need to deal with the stress before you can successfully quit. Regardless of the reason why you are smoking, it needs to be dealt with in able to quit for good.

Tip #5 Set up a punishment for yourself.

For example, if you generally stop at Starbucks each day for a coffee you might consider skipping that on days when you have fallen short of your goals for smoking. Whatever punishment you select, make sure it is something that you care about.

Tip #6 Seek out help from your friends and family.

You need support as you are trying to quit, and this will help you to ensure that you are not alone in the entire process.

Tip #7 Look for someone to quit with you.

If you are entirely on your own, you are going to be much more likely to slip back into smoking. If someone is working with you and holding you accountable, you are more likely to struggle to succeed. Working to quit smoking is not easy, but hard tasks are much easier to accomplish with a partner.

Tip #8 Ensure you are getting plenty of sleep.

The job of quitting smoking is quite difficult. If you are not getting the rest you need, you are much more likely to be cranky, upset and angry with the world. This is very counterproductive to your goal of quitting smoking for good.

Tip #9 Aim to quit for good.

This might seem a bit strange, but if you are just planning to quit for a weekend you are not going to put much effort into the process. If you are planning to quit for good, a lot more time and effort is going to go into the process as well as your plan to quit.

Tip #10 Look for ways to take your mind off cigarettes.

If you are always thinking about cigarettes, you may find that you are much more tempted to smoke. Reading a book, exercising, talking on the phone, surfing the internet and even cooking are all great ways to occupy your mind and keep from thinking about when your last cigarette was.

Thank you for visiting website and reading this 10 Tips to stop smoking for good article post.  We hope this was informative and helpful. Please do share the article link with your friends.  Thank you.


Success with quit smoking program

Success with quit smoking program

Success with quit smoking program is ultimately the objective goal of all your efforts to quit smoking. It is a rational and realistic goal to have in the deep recesses of your cognitive mind. Sooner you are convinced that smoking is a health hazard and a healthy lifestyle is the right way forward the better your health will be in long term.  Why is it so difficult to convince people of the dangers of smoking cigarettes?  Why are they so double minded abut health in general? Most likely it is because they have never received the right information about good health in the first place, so they have never over their lifetime gotten facts, only peoples personal opinions, and imaginations about it, but not the hard facts of the human body with the eleven organ systems that support the human life.

Success with quit smoking program
Human eye vision systems that needs balanced nutrition, minerals and clean fresh water for optimal functions

Success with quit smoking program for life

You have decided for some reason that it is now the right time in your life for you to stop smoking. So you now sit around and try to decide exactly how you are going to get started. You know the deep inside you are in for a long hard road, but at the same time, you really want to quit for good. The idea of quitting multiple times is just not attractive to you, so you are left with the task of creating a plan of attack that will work, and work well. You are likely to find this much harder than anything else you have ever tried to do in your life, and for good reason.

Success with quit smoking program that you believe in

The number of people who fail at trying to quit smoking each year is astonishing. While millions are attempting to quit, there are still others who are starting to smoke. Everywhere you look there are smokers who are unintentionally tempting you to smoke again as well which makes it even harder for yourself. Trying to overcome these challenges is very important, because without being able to overcome these problems you will be completely unable to quit for good.

Starting with a good plan is essential and this begins with deciding exactly why you want to quit smoking. The reason really does need to be health related reason, and you really need to know that first hand. What does matter is you also should believe in your reason, if you merely pull the reason why someone else has quit that you do not believe in your experience trying to quit will be extremely rocky and full of problems. What you will need to do is spend a large amount of time trying to honestly decide why you want to quit smoking so that you have a good reason. The only reason for quit smoking is because smoking is a negative health hazard, and it is not natural for humans to be smoking. The lungs need clean air, not nicotine and tar, nor smoke.

Once your reason is selected, the rest of the process should be much easier to deal with. What you do not always find immediately obvious is having a good reason to quit can serve as a huge motivation factor. If you are just quitting to quit, you are more likely to slip up on your goals, cheat and fall back into smoking very quickly. The remainder of the tasks such as creating a schedule, and even looking for the supportive guidance of friends and family will all be a simple breeze.

You will need to work hard to maintain your commitment. This means trying to avoid places and situations where you will be tempted to smoke. This means avoid the smoking areas of restaurants and bars, no going to tobacco stores, and certainly clearing the cigarettes out of your home. If you can find someone to help you quit who is interested in quitting themselves you will have a huge advantage. While not everyone does great with the buddy system, it is a great tool to use because you can hold each other accountable.

This level of accountability can be quite helpful in ensuring that you are really working to quit for good. So many people work to quit smoking and only end up starting up again once the going gets tough. A friend who is also trying to quit can serve as a fabulous way to really avoid the temptation since neither of you will want to slip up first. Use this to your advantage and watch your success grow while your health improves and cigarettes become a thing of the past.

Thank you for visiting website, and reading this Success with quit smoking program article post.  I hope this was informative, helpful and useful. Please share this site link with your friends, thanks.

Bilberries boost eyesight

Bilberries boost eyesight is a match made in heaven.

The most obvious way how bilberries boost eyesight is the chemicals that it contains which is called the anthocyanosides.  The anthocyanosis in the veins prevent blood platelets from clumping together, and so decrease the risk of blood clots forming.

Blberries boost eyesight
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The anthocyanosides found in bilberries also help to strengthen blood vessels, and so reduce the potential risk of varicose veins from forming.  Bilberries can also help to treat and reverse the damage done to the retina of the eye from diabetes (retinopathy). Damage which is done caused by chronic high blood sugar level or high blood pressure.  Bilberries also contain tannins that reduce intestinal inflammation, and it can be used as a treatment for diarrhea.  Watch a short video of bilberry benefits.

Bilberries boost eyesight
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Bilberries boost eyesight also in another way for those that happen to live in the temperate and the subarctic region of the world where the bilberries have adapted naturally to the environment over many thousands of o years. They are free to pick in the public access areas in those countries where every man’s right to collect wild berries e.g. bilberries exists, as in; Austria, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Switzerland.

The task of picking wild bilberries does require some agility, concentration, and a keen eye to pick out the dark blueberries from the green foliage. The low ground shrubs vary between 10-50cm tall plants, most of them seem to be at around 30 cm tall.  The physical task requires to either bend at the knees down to pick the berries while crouching down next to them. One by one, or several at a time if they are clumped in a small cluster of berries. Either by holding a container in one hand and picking the berries with the other hand, or placing the container down on the ground and picking the berries with two hands simultaneously.  They are also plastic scoops available for berry picking especially for the Lingonberry which has a shorter to the ground shrub.  As you can imagine that the physical activity of picking the berries from the low ground shrubs requires a keen eye, stamina and ability to focus over several hours to gather several liters of berries, for most beginners it would take about an hour to pick one liter of bilberries.

Bilberries boost eyesight in many ways, they contain anthocyanoside’s as mentioned earlier, also have a high content of antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals, here is the list:

    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin B1
    • Vitamin B2
    • Vitamin B3
    • Vitamin B5
    • Vitamin B6
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamin H
    • phosphorus
    • chrome
    • calcium
    • potassium
    • copper
    • cobalt
    • silicon
    • iron
    • broken
    • magnesium
    • manganese
    • molybdenum
    • zinc

    For those people that live in the regions where bilberries grow wild is a great privilege and a fun summer activity to go and wonder in the bush in search of the dark blue bilberries. It is an age-old custom in the Nordic region and many of the East European States. The activity in its self is a healthy activity to spend some time in the woods listening and observing the wonders of life in the natural world. Bilberries boost eyesight in a number of ways, directly and indirectly, and making bilberries a regular part of your diet will ensure that you will get the optimal health benefits from healthy natural foods like bilberries.

More information on how to take care of your eyesight.

Online Eyesight Test.



Carotenoids are real, and the life on earth is often presented by a bright color display of Carotenoids, ever thought; why is that?
Why do the flowers splash out in such brilliant colors, and also the gloss surface colors of fresh fruit and vegetables?
It turns out that the bright rainbow colors of the Fruit and Vegetables are actually pigments called the Carotenoids, these pigments contain strong antioxidant properties.
Four of the most common Carotenoids are:

They are also called; Phytonutrient Antioxidants. Lipid soluble Organic compounds, these are capable of impressive amounts of oxygenation suppression.
The vast research done over many years on human health has yielded results that prove that the Carotenoids do positively affect the quality of life. Particularly in the following areas;
•    Cardiovascular system.
•    Immune system support.
•    Healthy Vision system.
•    Respiratory function system.

The Carotenoids are said to be teeming with compounds that have been shown to positively affect the quality of life.  They protect the many millions of molecular cell structures of the body from the attacks of free radicals. Free radicals break down good molecular structures, by their dynamic chemical reactions.

“A free radical is any atom or molecule that has a single unpaired electron in an outer shell. While a few free radicals such as melanin are not chemically reactive, most biologically-relevant free radicals are highly reactive. For most biological structures, free radical damage is closely associated with oxidative damage. Antioxidants are reducing agents, and limit oxidative damage to biological structures by passivating them from free radicals. – Wikipedia.

In our modern world today we can make use of the vast amount so research done about nutrition and health, and also the availability of healthy food ingredients.  It is up to us to take the time to read and learn what the latest information on health and nutrition is.

From time to time old information is updated with the latest research done that is understandable because often the research done was very specific and did not take into consideration many other possibilities. E.g. if a research results show that the cause of heart disease is most common among people that eat a lot of butter,  then it is too simplistic to conclude that butter as an ingredient is unhealthy, and therefore, it should be tossed out with other unhealthy ingredients.

Just recently the message from researchers is that butter is a natural product and it does have health benefits, and with sensible moderation of use it should be included in a diet, especially for the people that have no apparent health risks or heart disease. It is always a good idea to find out what the recommended quantities are, and then to weigh it out in your own kitchen to see how the amount looks, and how far it goes. E.g. if it is 10 grams of butter per day, how many slices of wholemeal bread does that cover?
One of the easiest things to do, considering how much bother it must have been to the previous generations is to make use of the easy availability of fresh fruit and vegetables. For many in the past they only got what they grew themselves, can you imagine what it would be like to grow and eat only the foods that you grew yourself.  Depending where you live, it could mean that to get a healthy varied diet of foods you would need to relocate to a more favorable climate, or build a greenhouse with many extra expenses and running costs.
The most common Carotenoids that have shown to positively affect the quality of life mentioned earlier are:

  • Beta carotene.
  • Lutein.
  • Lycopene.
  • Astaxanthin.

In which food ingredients are these Carotenoids found in?

  • Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin: Orange-colored fruits and vegetables; carrots, apricots, mangoes, squash, papaya, and sweet potatoes.
  • Lutein:  Green vegetables, spinach, kale, and collard greens, also contain beta-carotene.
  • Lycopene: tomatoes, guava, and pink grapefruit. Salmon, shellfish, milk, and egg yolks.

Next time you are compiling the grocery list, think about all those bright colored fruit and vegetables and how they contain the good pigments called Carotenoids, and do add them to your daily diet, because they are believed to positively affect the quality of life and the health of the many systems of the human body including the healthy eye vision.See more helpful advice at Online Eye Vision Holistic Health.
